


JULY 9 – 24

More about Layla

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Layla is the best!!! My husband and I went to celebrate Father’s Day and she was so sweet. We will definitely go back and see her.
The other day I found myself in Reno so of course I went out to the ranch my intent was not to have a party but to have a dinner and drink out there and meet the different ladies so that I could plan a future party. I always love hopping around and spending a few minutes talking to all the different ladies I know this takes up their time so I always try to bring a gift basket for appreciation. I had only talked to a couple ladies and was sitting having dinner when I saw Layla come out of the back and sit and talk to a couple of girls at the bar. I was waiting for her to make her way around the room so at least I can meet her for maybe a future date if there was a spark. When I reached out to talk to her I was shocked that she called me by my name. I had emailed her a couple days ago that I was coming into town that night and wanted to meet several different ladies and she remembered. I asked if she would join me even though I was still having my meal. She was only at my table a couple of minutes when she reached out to hold my hand under the table. It was like electric whatever plans I had went the wayside. I immediately started running things in my head should I go ahead should I ask her. I told her several times I was only there to meet different ladies that night but I think she saw how bad I wanted her. Eventually we went in the back for negotiations which usually is very uncomfortable she made it so easy and lighthearted. Aside from being so damn sexy and very intelligent to have a conversation with she's funny as hell. She took me back to one of the sweets where we relaxed in the tub just having fun before making her way over to the bed of course. I have had some amazing visits at the ranch but this one was on a whole other level. Layla is absolutely amazing to be with and be around. She never rushed me one bit and kept me laughing the whole time. I did not expect a connection like this at the ranch truly amazing. I'm sure it won't be long before everybody figures out this treasure of a lady that is working there. I can't wait to see her again.
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