
Rachel Varga

Hi, I’m Rachel Varga. I’m intelligent, funny, seductive, open-minded, and never judgmental. I was voted Courtesan of the Year for all of Nevada. I love new experiences and fetishes so no need to be shy with me, everything we say and do is between you and I. It does not matter if you are a virgin, shy, not satisfied at home, want to do something wild, or just want to have a romantic dinner with a pretty lady, you and I will have an unforgettable experience.


JULY 17 – 24

More about Rachel Varga

I am extremely passionate, strong-willed, and sex comes naturally to me. I put 100% into everything I do. I am not a party girl and prefer the comfort and intimacy of being with another person.

I like to spend time in the woods, gardening unsuccessfully, and catching up on TV shows. I love barbecue. Let me repeat that. I LOVE barbecue. I also like to bake cookies and cakes and things like that. Especially chocolate!

A lot of people ask me what type of guy I like. Well, I adore virgins and love men that are kind and sweet. I like regular guys that have a good attitude and like to have fun. I am not out of anyone’s league, and you will be surprised how down to Earth I am. I have very simple rules. Treat me respectfully and follow my lead.

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My Reviews
What can I say that hasn't been said... Rachel Varga is something special. We've tried to connect at the Ranch a couple times and the party gods were not with us, that is until this Wednesday. I was nervous walking in, which was surprising since I been to the Mustang a number of times. When Rachel walked into the bar, she looked like an angel (with a devilish smile). I didn't want to be rude, but I couldn't take my eyes off her incredible legs. She made that little black dress look amazing. My nerves hadn't subsided so ordered a whisky, our conversation settled in and soon we were behind the green door. Negotiations were smooth and off to the Spanish suite. It was like we'd know each other for years. Our sexual connection was intense and made for an incredible session that we both enjoyed. Back in the bar our conversation continued over lunch until I had to get on the road. My ride home I relived every move, touch and sensation of our encounter. Thank you beautiful lady, so very much. M 2024-06-26
I’ve had the Pleasure of Rachel Varga’s company well over 100X & I’ll see her 100 more if I’m lucky. If that isn’t a good enough recommendation for you I don’t know what else to say!
I met Rachel in person on March 19th. I checked out her profile on the Website and I thought that we would connect well. So I put down a deposit and hoped a plane. When I got to meet with her, she blew my mind! She is so much more than I expected. This lady is a beautiful person inside and out! I got addicted to her and had to go back the 20th, 21st and the 22nd. There is a very good reason that she was voted courtesan of the year for all of Nevada. She is all that and so much more!!! I hope to see her in May. Rachel: I will never forget you, You touched my Heart! Till we meet again XOXO JON
What a beautiful woman, inside and out. I could listen to your laugh all day. Intelligent and beautiful with an accent that melts the heart.
Every time I come to Reno I make sure Rachel is there. She is awesome on every way and always attends to the moment. I always leave wanting her more. Thank you Rachel-you’re special!
I’ve been seeing Rachel Varga for 7 yrs now. During these yrs we’ve gone on many, many outdates. I keep taking her on them because she is an amazing outdate companion. Doesn’t matter if it was just to go to dinner, an adventure of some sort & we’ve been on a few adventures along the way, she is always fun. She is a very genuine person no BS Lady in the house & when you get her out of it you may think she will change but she’s still the same Lady but without the confines of the house that limit her from showing her personality on a more personal level by experiencing things with her that she truly enjoys that she can’t experience in the house. Rachel has a zest for life & enjoys seeing & doing new things & outdates allowed me to experience these things not only thru my perspective but hers as well & you can’t beat seeing the joy in her eyes & hearing her sexy laugh when out with her. So whether it’s dinner, shopping, a movie, escape room or haunted hotel, a show or something else you will always have a Great time experiencing them with Rachel! Thank you Rachel, I look forward to our future shared outdate experiences!
Rachel Varga, Firefighter's All Time Favorite Courtesan I was fortunate to have 4 more fabulous parties with Rachel Varga during the July 2023 Annual LPIN Gathering. Rachel Varga was voted 2016 Courtesan of the Year, and the silver anniversary All Time Favorite Courtesan of the Year. She was the first Inductee into the LPIN Hall of Fame at the July 2023 awards banquet. She was the top vote recipient in the Hall of Fame contest too. I hope to spend much more time with Rachel Varga in the future and enjoy many more parties together. I definitely recommend her highly and guarantee clients will have a fantastic time!
Rachel Varga - My Personal ATF Courtesan I partied with Rachel Varga for the first times in 2016 and those parties were the most fantastic experiences since I was introduced to LPIN in 1995. I have had numerous appointments with Rachel Varga since that time and those subsequent parties have continually become more breathtaking. I recently had three parties with Rachel Varga during the July 2021 Annual LPIN Gathering, and those parties were even more sensational. It's obvious why Rachel Varga was voted ATF COY, since she is definitely the premier LPIN Courtesan of all time. Consequently, Rachel Varga is my personal All Time Favorite Courtesan, and every one of her parties rank at the very top of my list of over 100 intimate LPIN encounters. Therefore, I may only party with Rachel Varga in the future since she is without a doubt the very best Courtesan; furthermore, I'm always immensely impassioned with my romantic time spent with Rachel Varga.
I hadn't seen Rachel since before the pandemic. When I saw her a week ago, it was like being with an old friend. She remembered me and many things about me I'd previously told her. And she's still as gorgeous as ever. Of course, there are many pretty ladies at the Ranch, but Rachel is hands down the best. What I believe separates her from the others is she is beautiful both inside and out. She's sweet, caring, and intelligent. Her skills in lovemaking are unsurpassed. I still picture her incredible body and face. Thank you, Rachel, for being who you are. I'm looking forward to seeing you again.
Review - I had an amazing and delightful experience with Rachel Varga this week, and I just had to tell someone! I think the most indicative thing I can say is that I was smiling the entire time I was with her, had a huge smile and warm internal satisfaction when I left, and I’m still thinking about her three days later. I’m not a regular Ranch customer and stopped in spur of the moment once to check it out. And it was fun. So I wanted to go back and have a more in-depth experience. Rachel seemed to have top billing, is beautiful and sexy, and had great reviews, so she had to be the one! I was intrigued by her experience and writings on her website. I guess I like connection and a true GFE (actually more of an awesome wife experience), and Rachel seemed to offer it all. I reached out by email, and she responded quickly. Even more quickly, she told me, “I get you,” and summarized exactly what I was looking for and wanted. She seemed into it and professional. But I know marketing and reality are two different things, so I was cautiously optimistic when we set an appointment. As soon as we met, it was magic. No hassle, no pressure. We handled business politely and were off. Rachel obviously put in extra effort and investment to make our time special. And it was. She is warm and a tremendous lover. And the cuddling! She made it feel very genuine and authentic. I couldn’t have planned a better experience— she did it all. Even got me dinner and a warm hug and well wishes on the way out. She is so sweet and such a special person. I almost don’t want others to know so she’ll always be available. Rachel, thank you for sharing yourself with me.
I went to the Mustang Ranch specifically to see Rachel Varga. I had set up an appointment about a month in advance. Never having been to a brothel, I wasn't sure what to expect. I was extremely nervous as I pulled into the parking lot. I was so surprised! Her pictures show an amazingly gorgeous woman, but in person took that to a whole other level. Her smile is stunning, and her body is mesmerizing. She warmly greeted me and put my worries and nerves at ease. After we settled on our terms, Rachel was everything I imagined in the room. She can connect on a personal level and make my experience unforgettable. Rachel Varga made me feel welcome, unrushed and delighted beyond my dreams. She is very down-to-earth, brilliant, and sexy in one package! I will be coming back!
I have been to many brothels and partied with many, many ladies, and never have I been with a woman like Rachel. She is the kind of girl you want to take home and marry. So intimate and caring. I feel like she cares about how you feel when you are with her—just an incredible experience. I guarantee you that anyone who parties with her will walk away feeling like a new man. She is beautiful beyond belief, and that accent makes me melt. I have never felt like she was watching the clock, and she never just ups and runs you out the door after sex. We spend the rest of the time together in bed. I read somewhere that she said all her parties are GFE (girlfriend experience), and I think that it is true. She made me feel comfortable and desired and was like the perfect girlfriend. Her reviews are full of praise for her skills, so I don't need to go into that, but I will say this, she is a real woman that knows how to take care of a man. I will see her again because no one has ever made me feel like she does. Thank you, Rachel!
Rachel is a top-notch courtesan. She is stunningly beautiful, intelligent, and skillful. She is down to earth with a great personality and a sense of humor. I recently had the pleasure of seeing Rachel again after a long time due to the pandemic and our schedules not lining up. I had another fantastic time with Rachel and will see her again. I highly recommend her
Rachel and I have partied a couple of times. Both parties we amazing! Besides being incredibly beautiful, she is a great conversationalist and intelligent. She is also nonjudgmental and down-to-earth. I highly recommend Rachel Varga.
I had the pleasure of being with lovely Rachel again yesterday for the 5th time. She is so kind and sexy and makes you feel like her boyfriend. The sex was outstanding, but then we talked and ate dinner. She is the best. The folks at the bar are also great-especially Ben, and the food is delicious. I’ll be back.
I visited the mustang ranch yesterday for the first time, and it was my first time also, but the beautiful Rachel Varga made me feel so comfortable with her kindness. There are not enough beautiful words to describe how much this meant to me. Thank you so much for helping me with my first time. I am forever grateful. Hope to come back and see you again. All-round great experience 10/10 Rachel Varga has a killer sexy body.
Fair Warning: Rachel Varga can be habit-forming! I’ve been a loyal client of Rachel’s for several years now, and we’ve had countless parties together. After not seeing her for several years, I was finally able to make it back to the ranch. Seeing her again for the first time in several years was just like seeing an old lover. I’m a stickler for details, and she still remembered every little detail of how I like to party. Rachel is also the perfect combination of talents: beautiful, passionate, intelligent, and has a great sense of humor. Of course, I can’t forget to mention her oral skills either. Let me tell you, once you’ve experienced her blowjobs, and you’ll probably be ruined for life. I don’t have any words to describe it, and you’ll have to share it to believe it. I hope to have many more parties with her!
From the immortal words from Janice on Friends - O...M...G!!! It was my first time at Mustang, but it will not be my last because of Rachel (hence the Friends reference)! Rachel is stunning, confident, fun, sexy, and easy-going, but she over-delivered with the GFS experience. While I was very nervous initially, Rachel made me feel at ease and, later, like we had known each other for a long time. I have to warn all of you that once Rachel flashes that beautiful smile of hers, you are done!! You will feel weak at the knees and be drawn entirely to her. If you want a fantastic experience that you will be thinking about nonstop, I highly recommend spending an incredible time with Rachel!!!
Rachel is the best of the best! She is beautiful, intelligent, skillful, accommodating, and funny. All that plus a spectacular body! WOW! Just WOW!
Rachel, You are terrific! I can't wait to come back again and see you and have fun again.
My experience with Rachel was phenomenal. It was my first time, and she did an excellent job making me feel comfortable. She does her best to take care of you. I would recommend her, especially if you are inexperienced.
Rachel was phenomenal. 10/10 experience.
I had the pleasure of spending three hours with Rachel, the all-time Courtesan of the Year. What an honor it was to be with her. I will not go into specifics as what has been posted before is 100% verified. Negotiations were quick, and off we went to the ADA room with a walk-in shower. We had plenty of time together. We did a lot of hugging and kissing before we worked up a sweat—what a wonderful time. Rachel will always be on my must-visit list when in the area. Thank you again, Rachel, and congrats on all-time COY.
Rachel is the kindest, down-to-earth lady. She has a great sense of humor and is very passionate. Rachel and I had a very good together. Her lovely body is a thing of true beauty. I had to schedule a second time the next day, and I can’t wait to see her again.
Rachel is a beautiful lady who will make you feel at ease with her sense of humor. She is a lovely lady and will your session passionate and fulfill all your needs. I partied with her yesterday and have already scheduled for tomorrow. Thank you, Rachel, for making me feel like a man again.
Rachel Varga is HOT and a fantastic lover. I went there with my guy, and she and I instantly clicked. The chemistry was off the charts, and so was our time together... It started with him trying to get in there somewhere. It was my first experience with a woman, and it was so beautiful, so we went back a second time. We can't wait to see her again someday.
Absolutely incredible time with Rachel yesterday. I made an appointment, and she made me feel right at home. We negotiated and ended up getting a suite, and she rocked my world. Her accent is amazing, "I want to suck your blood," loved it when she said that. She was very bubbly, and we connected on such an amazing level. She gave me everything I wanted and more. We had some fun in the bed, and after we shared an amazing hot tub experience. Then we went back to the bed, and she truly is good down south with her mouth skills. She never made me feel rushed, and with her personality, I felt like I didn't even need to try, I felt like I had known her for years. Please stay here at the ranch, and I promise I will be back to see you again. I am your biggest fan and your Blue-eyed stud muffin.
This LADY is SUPER HOT !!! GREAT BODY !!! I had an OUTSTANDING TIME with Rachel Varga and Jade Orchid last year. Thank You, BOTH !!!
To compare Rachel to Aphrodite would not be wrong. Those seductive eyes, that amazing body, and the gorgeous breasts. I was a brothel noob until recently. I came across Rachel’s profile on mustang website and knew immediately that I had to see her. So with high anxiety and apprehension, I contacted her via email. She was prompt and welcoming. She answered all my questions, which helped me get over my nerves. Cut to the day of my visit to Wild Horse, I stepped through the doors and told the security guy that I was there to see Rachel. As I was sitting down, I saw the vision that is Rachel, walk towards me. She gave me a warm hug. We got to talking as she gave me a tour after which we headed into the negotiation room. Sat on a chair, as I was waiting for her, I saw a side silhouette of her. The perfectly sultry body, curved at all the right places wrapped in a black dress that accentuated everything. That view in itself is worth all your money. As she closed the door to her room behind her, I started to get a bit nervous and excused myself for a quick shower. With high anxiety, I stepped out of the bathroom and saw Rachel standing completely naked by her bed. Believe me when I say that, I could have just stared at her flawless body for the next hour and it would have been worth all my money and some more. The remainder of the party was just an endless wave of ecstasy and carnal pleasures beyond my comprehension. I can’t wait to party with her again. Rachel, you rocked my world!!
It’s been over a year since I’ve written a review of this incredible Lady. In the past years, I’ve seen Rachel many, many, many more times. I saw her most recently on 7/25 & 7/28, I’ve now seen her over 60 and will continue to do so as long as she wants to see me. When you’re with Rachel, the rest of the world disappears. You are her focus. Se makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world that matters. Her skills and personality are amazing. Combine her skills, personality & stunningly beautiful looks, and you have a Lady that can’t be beaten! If you haven’t spent time with this incredible Lady yet, you are doing yourself a great disservice! Thank you once again, Rachel, for the time you share with me!
The only thing I can add that is maybe not said above is Rachel is the best party I have ever had. Although she is beautiful beyond compare, her ability to place an average older handicapped male at ease with her voice that has a beautiful accent, and the interest she showed in me. I really enjoyed her company and could have spent all day with her either in bed cuddling and kissing or sitting in the lounge talking and having the occasional meal/snack from a well-stocked menu. Next west coast trip will have Rachel on my must-see list.
Spending time with Rachel is like being thrust into the most vivid, pleasurable dream imaginable, one from which you wish you could never wake. She whisks you away to a world of absolute delight and immerses you in total bliss. She entices with her delicate charm and beauty and enraptures your senses with her sharp wit and acumen. She makes you rethink everything you thought you knew about love and intimacy. Be prepared to lose all sense of time and depart the physical world as she takes you to new heights of overwhelming sensual indulgence. Book a date with Rachel now so you can experience this enchanting goddess in all her glory.
I had the pleasure to party with Rachel last night. She was great. She did everything she could to make sure I was comfortable and having a great time. I would recommend partying with her if you get the chance!
I have been coming to the Mustang Ranch for a while, and I have partied with quite a few ladies. Not long ago I finally had a party with Rachel. I had heard a lot about her and was a little intimidated. She is extremely beautiful. We talked, and she was so easy to talk to. A very down to earth lady and that accent is so hypnotizing. So we went to party. There are no words to describe this woman. She is the most affectionate girl I have ever partied with. She made me feel like I was her boyfriend. She just has this way that says she accepts you and wants to make you happy. The sex was amazing. Not to be crass but she was so tight that I could barely hold myself. She could tell, and she slowed up to make me last longer. I never had oral like the oral she gave me. She was incredible but what made her different was that she took time and really seemed to be in the zone. I can't describe it. She is the dream girl I have always wanted. I don't mind I can only see her at the Mustang, I'm just happy to know that my dream girl is there.
Very few things on this Earth live up to the hype. Partying with Rachel is one of them. She certainly made me feel special too. Run, don't walk next time she's in house. I look forward to repeating.
Rachel is an extremely sophisticated, elegant and sensual woman. Rachel's inner beauty and radiant smile are only eclipsed by her outer beauty, warm personality and attention to every detail. Rachel is truly an incredible and sensual journey. What a woman!!!!!!
Rachel is a fantasy come true. On my first visit to the Mustang Ranch (MR) after more than 30 years, I only had eyes for her. When she smiled at me, I was captivated and gazed at her like I had a schoolboy crush. Gorgeous, stunning, and sexy, she has shining blonde hair, sparkling eyes, and pouty lips. Her body has curves like a winding mountain road, and her legs are long, inviting, and shapely. Her skin is supple, smooth, and unblemished. Our negotiations were problem-free and at a price agreeable to us both. Once in her room, I wished I had multiple hands, lips, and tongues so I could simultaneously explore her every inch and crevice. To me, her best features are her outstanding (literally) all-natural 36DD breasts. Flawless, round areolas top them with nipples like oversized pencil erasers (heh-heh). When she removed her bra my mouth watered because those tits begged to be suckled (okay, I was the one begging). You haven’t had the best until you’ve fondled her breast(s). On my second MR trip, I realized Rachel is best savored slowly and patiently while she purrs and gasps during playtime (or was that me gasping?). Not only that, her vagina held me, warmed me, and fit me snug like a tube of Mentos candy inside its wrapper. Beyond Rachel’s obvious and glorious assets, her personality makes her all the more irresistible. She is smart, thoughtful and a good listener. I’ve enjoyed our conversations, which coupled with her Romanian accent is like adding sprinkles to an already delicious cupcake. I appreciate her sense of humor. When scheduling me she joked, I’ll see if “I can squeeze you in.” She knew full well I’d get the double-meaning. My reply was, “I’ll see if I can squeeze in you.” During my second visit, she recalled things about me from the first time. Her remembering me had me desiring her even more. Rachel is the bomb and is worth every bang for the buck, so to speak. I get hard just thinking about her.
I first found about Rachel while looking at Mustang Ranch's site. There was just something special about her that caught my eye. After reading her website and posts, I could tell she was a special person just based on the way she presented herself in her writings. I just knew I had to see her. Rachel immediately responded to my email, and we were able to schedule a time to party. I was pretty nervous as this was my first time, but she immediately made me feel at ease. Talking to Rachel felt more like meeting an old friend. Besides being gorgeous, she’s sweet, caring, patient and has a great sense of humor. Oh and she’s even more beautiful in person! Anyways our party was simply mind-blowing and more than exceeded my expectations, so much that I’ve already planned to party again with her!
Rachel Varga, what an amazing woman she is, in August, 2018 I had the most awesome party with her she is sweet kind and very generous if you know what I mean, she is a super caring person even after the party we went to the lounge, and she sat with me for, and we talked For a while, This is a lifetime experience hope you get the chance to experience it as well, thank you so much.
I just had the most amazing weekend of my life if you have never had a party with Rachel Varga you’re missing out.
Rachel is a very special Lady. We originally came in contact with each other vis a message board. We became friends, and at one point I told her I doubted we'd party because she wasn't "My Type." When I told her that I fully expected her to cut off communication, but she didn't, and we kept in contact, this was the first indication she was special. When she started at the Mustang, I finally had the opportunity to meet her in person. We hit it off immediately with no awkwardness, and she very quickly became "My Type"! We went back and had our first party. It easily qualified as one of my top 3 parties of all time, and we'd just met. Her passion and attention were off the charts. This was the second indication she was special. I knew I wanted to party with her again. We partied a few more times over the next couple months with each party surpassing the previous (which I didn't think was possible and the third thing that makes her special) and after the 4th party I finally knew what so many guys had talked about having a true "All Time Favorite." Before Rachel, I had a few Ladies that were favorites that I'd see when in town but after that 4th party I knew I would start scheduling my trips around her schedule! Our First party was in March of 2017, we now have partied approximately 30 times since that first party with outdates and overnights mixed in. Every party is better than the last, and she continues to make me feel incredible when I'm in her presence. She is more beautiful in person than her pics can begin to show. Her personality is fun & flirty with just enough edge to keep me off balance which is refreshing. I cannot recommend this Incredible Lady enough! I guarantee if you are lucky enough to spend time with Rachel she will do everything she can to make sure you have an unforgettable time! Thank you, Rachel, for all the time we've spent together so far and the time we will in the future
Rachel is a gorgeous and sweet young lady who gives a great party. Joined Skylie and myself in a threesome that is the best party I've had after dozens of parties over an 11-year period. I now know the two of them as TEAM 69. Only expected to be at the Ranch for a couple of hours but ended up there over 5 hours with the two of these wonderful ladies. It was pure delight and fund partying with TEAM 69. I'll be back for another spectacular party with these two.
A very beautiful girl. Kind and sweet till the very end. Highly recommended to party with her at least once. I would love to party with her again.
This was the second time that I visited Mustang Ranch and saw Rachel. She is a beautiful Romanian woman that is very intimate, passionate and thoughtful about your interests. Rachel is seriously world-class!
I recently had the courage to go to a brothel and was surprised how different it was. I wanted to talk to Rachel because of her reviews. When I met her, I found out she is beautiful and articulate. She didn't make me feel out of place and made me feel comfortable. When we got to her room, I saw her trophy and hadn't realized she was the winner for Best Courtesan of the Year. I was about to have sex with the top girl! That actually made me nervous, but she is so affectionate and real. So now to the party. I don't know how to say it other than that it was fucking incredible. I never had a girl do what she does orally. It was so hard to hold it, and I had told her I couldn't orgasm like that and she just smiled. I know what the smile means now. I can't recommend her enough!
Rachel was the second lady in my threesome, and I was so glad she joined. Very attentive and sexy, she contributed the most to my enjoyment of the experience. Thank you again!
I'm so glad I got to party with Rachel on her last visit. There's a lot of reasons she was courtesan of the year !! It gets better every time, and she left me almost speechless this time. You're the best!!!!
This was the first time I visited the ranch. Read about it, and finally had a chance to visit. Wasn't sure what to expect, but saw Rachel sitting, and decided to ask some questions about the place. I went thru the lineup but picked Rachel; I liked her aura. I wasn't prepared for how intense she was; she has a great body everything firm and tight. I am thinking of returning in the future; the ladies seem pretty nice. Thanks, Rachel , it was very memorable, got too excited though.
First time here, and was somewhat shy when I entered. Needed a pit stop after the long drive to the ranch. Read about it and always wanted to visit the place. I walked around for a couple of minutes then Rachel caught my eye sitting at one of the tables. I didn't feel like going to the bar; there were a couple of ladies there. I sat down and started talking with Rachel, mentioned I was on vacation and decided to drive 300 miles to check out the Mustang Ranch. She gave me the tour of the place, and she was very professional. I had a lineup and decided to pick her; I actually liked most of the ladies in the lineup, wasn't sure who to pick, so I picked Rachel because she helped me out and I did like her personality. I decided to go for regular sex, nothing kinky. I have to say I wasn't ready for how intense it got. She was on top, and I was getting too excited. Ended with a massage. She was great with real firm breasts, and a tight pussy. I had a great time. I will have to prepare better next time I visit. Rachel, you're a muse, after I got home I played some piano, and it sounded inspired. Thank you, Rachel.
I was a virgin until recently. As you can imagine I was totally scared to be around a woman of such beauty. Took a lot of nerve but I made it in the door and when I met Rachel I was instantly taken by how she took me through everything and was as sweet as can be. She was always with me. We went to her room and she took off her clothes, I thought I would just pop right there. She is a Goddess. I didn't know how to do anything but she made me feel comfortable and at ease and then the big moment came and I lasted about three minutes. I'm not ashamed to say that. Everyone has an awkward first time but once I recovered and could go longer, we tried a lot of things. She gave me a blowjob that was incredible and she can really use her hands. It was my first blowjob and I know I can't compare her to anyone but she was so into it. It was a passionate blow job. She says that's her favorite thing to do and I think that it really is. I think the most important thing is that she made me feel I was hers and vice versa. I have been back to my hot sex education teacher Miss Varga several times and what an amazing woman she is. Oh, and that accent is fucking killer!
If you want you can post the following to your blog or a forum: Had an overnight with Rachel- it was out of this world and well worth it. She did things to me that were memorable. My world was rocked, she took my virginity, we had a good time relaxing, being sensual and overall was an experience that I would repeat in a second. If you are looking for someone who is honest, a wonderful individual and a lovely lady- she's the one for you.
Rachel was AWESOME in every way !!!! You're missing out if you don't give her a try.
I have had the pleasure of knowing a number of Romanian women and I have found them to be beautiful of mind and spirit, extremely intelligent and, experts in romantic pursuits!!! Rachel Varga is a true Romanian woman!!! Rachel is a very smart and charming woman and spending time with her is never boring as she has varied interests and can hold her on a variety of subjects. It is a pleasure simply to spend time discussing the events of the day and she is not shy about sharing her opinions and beliefs. She always leaves me smiling. Rachel's romantic skills are beyond compare and she always ensures that your time with her is memorable and satisfying. I have always enjoyed my visits with Rachel immensely and I'm looking forward to the many more adventures that lie ahead. Time spent with Rachel is time well spent and very satisfying. Oh, by the way, did I mention that she possesses fabulous legs?
Let me first tell you how I met Rachel. We were followers on Twitter but never really interacted. She sent me a message in response to something she noticed in my Twitter header; something regarding a change in my life. She picked up on it, the only one of my followers. I was struck immediately by her curiosity yet caring reactions when I explained. We became friends quickly and understood each other from the start. Well, I had my first weeklong visit coming up to Reno/Tahoe for skiing and brothel fun, so I made sure to set aside a night early in the week to visit Rachel. I had seen pics of her and we had this great connection but we never really met. When I arrived and walked in the Saloon for the first time ever she was sitting at a table waiting for me! I realized she really is a cutie right away. Like I've heard before it is very true that in person she is incredibly stunning more than her pics reflect. We chatted a bit, and I never felt rushed. The negotiations were very easy and we went back to her room to have a love session. I have been coming to the area for many years and I don't kiss and tell but I will tell you I had the hottest session ever with this luscious Romanian beauty. When she works on you, I think you will agree! I couldn't get enough of her and so I did return to see her a few more times before my week came to an end. In fact, I surprised her on her birthday with a visit and gave her, orgasm:) I highly recommend you visit Rachel even though I'd love to have her for my own! Thank you Rachel darling for an amazing time and I hope to see you soon!
Rachel Varga is the greatest human being ever to live on the earth. First, she is about to cure cancer in her garage using a quantum computer that she designed. She also travelled back in time where she stopped the Ottoman invasion at Vienna, helped Charles Dickens write the early drafts of his work and taught Nicola Tesla the concept of AC power. Oh, and Alan Turing learned all he knew from her. Back to the present, she has helped me to start a stock portfolio that will allow me to retire by age 45 in a villa in Tuscany, designed a new UPS tracking system that will allow packages to be teleported through mere thought and helped rescue a kitten stuck in a tree. I suppose I should also mention that she is just about the sweetest and prettiest girl I have ever seen in real life. You could say that I am a fan.
The Fan
I have been to different brothels in search of that one girl that is truly exceptional in the sense that she truly enjoys making people happy. I had heard on some forums about Rachel and thought I would check her out. We met and she was so amazingly beautiful. She oozed of sexuality but not in a bad way. In the way that makes you feel special. She was sophisticated but not in any way stuck up. Super easy to talk to. We sat and talked about different things. She is very knowledgeable but not a wannabe intellectual elitist. I was impressed. We then decided to negotiate. Once we made it to her room, she made me feel at ease. She knows what she is doing and takes care of everything. We started with some making out and damn it was hot. To be frank I was so hard it was hurting. I don't want to sound crass or say anything wrong so let me say it like this. When she went down on me I thought I died and went to heaven. She uses her hands while she is doing it. Her passion for it was overwhelming, She said it was her favorite thing to do and by God, it must be. I couldn't hold myself and popped so hard. I was exhausted. Hahaha once I recovered, she laid me down and rode me like I have never been ridden. When she bent over for me, I marveled at how gorgeous her ass was. Again it was hard to hold when you are with her. She is so into it and passionate. It was incredible. Afterward, we talked and unlike other girls, she did not just hop up and kick me out. I am going through a hard time and Rachel made me feel special. It was just what I needed. Oh, how I wish I would have lost my virginity to her. Thank you, Rachel. I will never forget you and I will be back to see you. That is a guarantee!!!
Though my first party with Rachel was exemplary, the one I just had was lightyears beyond. She's unbelievable. What a lady. She was wearing this sexy long sleeved red dress...and her legs were long and luscious. We all caught up on things, but I couldn't stop thinking about this party I was about to have with her. Eventually, I just about begged to go in the back. I think she liked that 😉 But though my first party with her was all about me wanting to do whatever she asked, this party was all about me. Folks: her service is extraordinary. From the get go she found places on my body that I didn't know existed - erogenous zones that I've never thought could feel so sexy when she touched them. It helps that she's pretty stupendously hot too. I can't get over the look of her fair skin and platinum blonde hair next to me, and her firm bust on top of me. She legitimately cares that you have satisfaction. She tugged on my dick with purpose, finding out exactly how I liked it and then using the rest of her body to make it better. She mounted me like she was getting in a damn Ferrari like she was gonna do something fast and hard and enjoy it all the while. When I finally came she pressed her body on me like an iron, and my God, was I steaming hot. She is a total sweetheart too. We spent a lot of time talking about...anything while lying next to each other. Her body is a joy with which to cuddle. And she's pretty intelligent if you haven't gathered that - politics, science, sociology, she's well versed in a ton of things. Go see Rachel. She's nothing short of incredible.
This woman is amazing. We had a couple experience and Rachel made it awesome. She was comfortable and open and was very giving. Her nature was stress free and her abilities are bar none. This woman was superb in every sense of the word.
Eagle 01
I have been owned by Rachel Varga, and there isn't a better feeling in the world. Rachel happens to be the best thing to hit the Mustang Ranch since sliced bread met peanut butter and jelly...and she'll make you melt far easier than that. The short of it is thus: Rachel rocks worlds on a regular basis. Trying to describe Rachel would be like describing how a beauteous blonde butterfly flaps its wings. You'll miss out on it if you blink, and you'll wonder what happened. But one thing is certifiable: Rachel is gorgeous. Her Romanian accent belies a sophistication, uncanny and uncommon. Her body is hard, her breasts are supple yet supreme, her mouth is tender on your own body. Her bottom is firm and her legs are strong. Here is a lady who commands your eyes to drift upon her. Her own eyes are beautiful, and gazing upon them is to realize all your dreams are right in front of you. Rachel stuns you into surrender. Throughout our party, the only words that I could say aloud were "yes" and "oh god." Have you ever wanted to know what it feels like to totally trust someone, and then to give in? Rachel does these not with her words but with her allure. Rachel knows what to do with you. She knows exactly how to please you as you stand staring at her beauty, and even better what to do when you are nude in her bed. She knows that you want to explore her body with your hands. She knows how to please you with her soft lips. She will keep you under her control while she is on top of you, and she will make demands of your body with hers. But she does this while ensuring your unspoken demands are exceeded. She will work both sides of your body, front and back. She'll find places you'll never think existed, erogenous zones that only she knows. And if you yearn for her body, or perhaps, if you yearn for that primal desire to thrash about wildly in passion; if you must allow your body to convulse with pleasure, then she will enhance her touch tenfold. You will never have an orgasm the way Rachel will give you if that's what you want. Me, I wanted to submit my body entirely to her. Every part of me became hers. I was treated to the highest pleasures I've ever known. Rachel has a collection of toys that help serve this purpose...but my eyes were closed in my ecstasy that I did not realize till after how impressive it was, the things she did to me. Leather, plastic, rubber, hard, soft, hot, cold, wow. Later we showered. And I cannot impress enough that there is no feeling quite like Rachel's solid bust lathered in soap in your arms. I obeyed every single command of hers. She rewarded me by fulfilling my desires in every single way. Rachel is sweet and sensual, but if you want a domme who will control you, she can be that too. Just don't piss her off. If you do, prepare for the consequences. Your butt may never be redder......
Rachel Varga has the boobs and the ass and the face. She is a total bomb. I like boobs and hers are very fun. The best thing I felt she did was her blow job. She deep throated a larger-than-average cock awesomely.
Midwest Firefighter
Rachel Varga, Saw you just today. Loved talking with you. So smart and funny. Plus beautiful too! Then we partied. Such a great party. Unforgettable. We talked. We partied. We cuddled. We talked some more. I had such a good time with you today. So, thank you Rachel. You really made my day today. It was a really great experience.
Mr. Noname
I took time to get to know as much as I could about Rachel Varga from Twitter before arriving. Anyone can see from her pictures that she is blond and has the longest legs. Beautiful face and built like a model from Playboy. Outside beauty only does so much for me. I look for the inner beauty as well. She is a special lady inside with a warm heart. She does not rush and treats you only in a way you could hope for. We sat and talked in the parlor and got close and talk a while. She had me feeling very at ease and ready to negotiate for a party. Negotiations went well and party we did. I waited at the bar so that she could freshen up. I had said she could come out naked to get me. To my surprise, she did come out in a short sassy robe. Oh my. I could only think that she had not a stitch on under that robe. In the room when she slipped off, I mean to tell you one of the best sexy bodies I have seen anywhere. Rachel does wax and is smooth as silk. I cannot forget to say how tight her pussy is. So tight that she can squeeze her pussy around my little finger. I thought she was going to have trouble with the size of my cock. Once we got started and her multiple orgasms there was no problem for sure. Out of a scale to 10 she is off the chart. She is definitely the best of the 15 woman I have partied with in a years time. I will be comparing all my parties now to her. A definite repeat for me. I hope Rachel will want to have me over and over. Rachel in is a league of her own. We had a sensual good time that we both enjoyed. Thanks Rachel.
I had the opportunity to meet and party with Rachel this past Tuesday. She is awesome. She is really sweet, kind, and fair. She won't try to pressure you or make you feel uncomfortable. She enjoys being on top and puts in great effort into her party. She looks better than her photos in person. Plus, she has an amazing accent. I enjoyed Rachel a lot and would love to see her again. Rachel is a blast go and see her when you can, she is amazing. I think you will be pleasantly surprised how easy to talk to and negotiate with. She makes everything relaxing.
I was in Nevada for the week I wanted a surprise, so I choose not to make an appointment this time. One woman caught me eye a beautiful blonde with big breasts. We talked a little negotiated then the fun began. Her name was Rachel and let me tell you guys she has a voice that will melt your heart, her voice alone is enough to get me an erection. She is very funny, seductive, and most of all she is a strong woman who will be honest with you no matter what. The sex was amazing I had two orgasms in less than 50 minutes. She is very sweet and I do plan on seeing her again. I would highly recommend her if you are looking for someone new.
I first got interested in Rachel via her posts here. Then I got more interested in Rachel when i saw her pics. Then when I saw her at the bar, i got REAL interested. Wow. Whatta doll and damn, wouldn't you know it.....a half hour later, there I am, in her room, ready for playtime! Boys, if you like your babes blonde and busty, rachel is your girl. She's a fucking knockout with a stunning figure, a very nice young lady, and she's got a most sexy accent to boot. Cosmo says......oh yeah!
Three of my friends and I decided to visit a brothel and see what it was all about. I was nervous because I had never been to a place like that. As soon as I saw this gorgeous blonde with beautiful breasts, long blonde hair, and devious smile I knew she was the one. I picked her so my friends wouldn't get her. She took me by the hand and showed me around and then to her room. Once we started I found out it was her first time too! A brand new girl! Did I make a mistake by getting one that was new? Ummm hell no. She took me to the bed and totally destroyed me. I never had a girl go down on me like that. It took everything not to blow and I'm sure she knew that and didn't want to embarrass me. She hopped on top and rode me to my first climax in 5 minutes. I couldn't help it and it was embarrassingly quick but at 23 I have the stamina to keep going. Not to be too descriptive but when she bent over she made me cum in 15 minutes and then we did it again for the third time. It was the second best time I ever had in my life. The first being when I came back two days later. Again she made my nerves go away and rocked me like she was my girlfriend and had known me forever. I am glad I got to be her first and I will never forget it. I cannot recommend her enough. In some ways, I was still a virgin until I was with her because everything before her was just a warm-up. I forgot to mention that her sexy accent made my heart melt. I can't wait to come back and see her again.
Three of my friends and I decided to visit a brothel and see what it was all about. I was nervous because I had never been to a place like that. As soon as I saw this gorgeous blonde with beautiful breasts, long blonde hair, and devious smile I knew she was the one. I picked her so my friends wouldn't get her. She took me by the hand and showed me around and then to her room. Once we started I found out it was her first time too! A brand new girl! Did I make a mistake by getting one that was new? Ummm hell no. She took me to the bed and totally destroyed me. I never had a girl go down on me like that. It took everything not to blow and I'm sure she knew that and didn't want to embarrass me. She hopped on top and rode me to my first climax in 5 minutes. I couldn't help it and it was embarrassingly quick but at 23 I have the stamina to keep going. Not to be too descriptive but when she bent over she made me cum in 15 minutes and then we did it again for the third time. It was the second best time I ever had in my life. The first being when I came back two days later. Again she made my nerves go away and rocked me like she was my girlfriend and had known me forever. I am glad I got to be her first and I will never forget it. I cannot recommend her enough. In some ways, I was still a virgin until I was with her because everything before her was just a warm-up. I forgot to mention that her sexy accent made my heart melt. I can't wait to come back and see her again.
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